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Welcome Ladies!

The Tiferet Women’s Torah Study Group (TWTG) began meeting in January 2021. We are a diverse, layled group of women all ages and levels of Torah study and Hebrew who have a desire to study Torah. We come to our meetings with our thoughts, questions, and notes to share what we’ve learned through reading and exploring various commentary.

Since we began meeting, we met weekly on Zoom; however, beginning mid-2023, we introduced monthly in-person discussions following Shabbat kiddish. This Hebrew year, 5784, marks the beginning of our 4th Torah cycle and we are expanding our reach to in-person, zoom, and encouraging smaller group meetings.

The meeting format is informal. A volunteer facilitator opens the discussion with a D’var Torah, encourages participation and keeps us on track. By design, the format of this group allows women to come in and out as they can to participate, lead, or simply listen.

Why Study Torah?
Reading Torah may be dull for some; however, studying and discussing Torah can be stimulating, enlightening, and is a connection to HaShem! An individual can devote a few minutes a day or week or expand their study to hours. It’s really up to the individual how much time they devote to study. There are many resources available to learn. The joy and wisdom that comes from this investment of time is priceless. The transformation one can experience with continuous study can’t be overstated.

My Jewish Learning states: Learning Torah is a spiraling experience, where one returns over and over, often to the same text. New ideas emerge at different phases of life, bringing insights that weren’t there before. What makes the Torah a living document is the living people who study it. When new voices cease to engage Torah learning, wrote Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin, “The Torah becomes stale, heaven forbid. We find the instruction to study Torah wherever we turn in Jewish tradition. Torah study was encouraged not only to sharpen one’s mind, but also to serve as a guide for living a moral life. The logic goes this way: One who takes Torah study seriously will most likely choose the right path in life. For this reason, the mitzvah of Torah study outweighs all other commandments.

Join Our Group, Stay Connected, and Experience the Joy of Studying Torah!
If you are interested in receiving weekly emails, zoom links, updated pdf versions of the study guide, and other useful resources, email the synagogue office. The in–person meetings are open to all women attending services. The weekly emails and Zoom calls are limited to prospective members, members, or immediate family of members.

Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785