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Learning with Rabbi Sabo

6:30 PM on Mondays

Sefer Shoftim: The Book of Judges

Join our learning and get to know a gallery of leaders; some are known, some less, but all have an amazing story to share. A story of leadership, connection to the people, bravery, and wisdom, as well as faults and weaknesses.

Shoftim is the second book in the section of the Nevi'im and takes place right after the time of Joshua and before the time of the prophet Samuel and the Israeli kingship.

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7PM on Tuesdays

Tuesday Torah Live

Join Rabbi Sabo for inspiring discussions to develop a deeper understanding of the weekly Torah portion and it’s connection to our lives. 

Join in on Zoom, Facebook Live, or in-person

Click here to join via Zoom

Fri, July 26 2024 20 Tammuz 5784